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YMMV / Mithgar

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  • Complete Monster: Besides Modru, there are the following:
    • The Eye of the Hunter: Baron Bela Stoke is a sickening fusion of evil aristocrat, necromancer, Mad Scientist, and Torture Technician. His standard MO is to move into a region whose people are unfamiliar with him and begin abducting the locals so he can perform horrific, Mengele-esque experiments on them until they die—with the addition of potions that both increase painful sensations and keep victims alive longer than naturally possible—and then uses their corpses in his necromantic rites. He keeps this up for centuries, leaving a swath of gruesome murders behind him while racking up a body count at least in the hundreds, possibly into the thousands. At the end of the novel, he reanimates the corpses of his victims into a legion of undead warriors he intends to use to conquer the world, apparently just for fun, and indicates that he'd murder his own father—and mentor—Ydral if he felt it necessary.
    • Silver Wolf, Black Falcon:
      • Ydral is the chief servant of the evil Gyphon after Modru's death. With a legacy of evil going back millennia, Ydral is a vicious half-fiend who murdered the best friend of hero Aravan, and fathered the evil Baron Bela Stoke via the rape of Bela's mother. Ydral taught Bela all about torture and murder before abandoning him, later resurfacing to mentor Kutsen Yong of the Golden Horde and driving him to horrific atrocities while conducting blood sacrifices on titanic levels, all while torturing his victims to death. Ydral later abandons Kutsen Yong after killing countless innocents to dedicate temples to Gyphon, trying to summon Gyphon with blood sacrifices to devastate the world, all so Ydral can rule over what's left.
      • Kutsen Yong leads the Golden Horde on a campaign of violent slaughter, massacring entire lands and cities and establishing brutal rules that result in countless innocents of all ages executed. Seeking to become the mortal regent of Gyphon, Kutsne Yong has countless innocents sacrificed and delivered to Ydral while taking possession of the dragonstone to force dragons to raze entire cities. When he learns of Mithgar and its high king, Kutsen Yong's ego demands he ride to destroy Mithgar in a titanic war, Kutsen Yong willing to stop at nothing to dominate the world and bring for Gyphon to make him the supreme king of all he dreams.
