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YMMV / Meshuggah

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  • Awesome Music - Metal fans with a keen on technical stuff adore this band. "I", "New Millennium Cyanide Christ", "Bleed", etc....
  • Broken Base:
    • Which era of the band is better - the earlier thrashier era or the later more progressive era with lower tunings?
    • The debate between whether the original or reissue versions of Nothing are better than the other. Some fans liked the original version for having a warmer, more nuanced sound due to the use of downtuned seven-string guitars, which introduced a more "rubbery" tone as the looser strings would slip out of tune, while fans of the newer version prefer the reissue version due to the tighter overall sound and for being recorded with eight-string guitars as originally intended.
    • Some fans dislike The Violent Sleep of Reason and Immutable because Fredrik didn't contribute musically to either of them. Other portions of the fanbase also really disliked the mix on Immutable, feeling like it was too muddy and bass-heavy.
  • Creative Differences: Apparently the reason why Gustaf Hielm was asked to leave the band in 2001. He wanted to have a greater role in the band's creative process, which the rest of the band weren't open to at the time.
  • Creepy Awesome:
    • Is their music bizarre and terrifying? Yes, but is it awesome? Also yes.
    • The dissonant guitar riff just before the Dark Ambient/Drone section in the song, "Elastic," is practically hell in a guitar riff, but damn does it sound good.
  • Epic Riff: Every single one. The ones from "Demiurge", off the Koloss album, in particular, are easily memorable.
  • Fandom-Enraging Misconception: Despite taking influence from the genre, referring to them as a death metal band is extremely controversial. Since they take elements of so many styles, most fans agree that calling them "experimental metal" is about the only thing you can do to accurately label them.
  • Fandom Rivalry: With Gojira, although most would say it's a Friendly Rivalry.
  • Friendly Fandoms: With Scar Symmetry, due to Per Nilsson standing in for Fredrik during the period where he wasn't touring.
  • Funny Moments: "Futile Breed Machine (Campfire Version)". The fact that it comes right after the incredibly brutal "Future Breed Machine (Mayhem Version)" makes it even better.
  • Signature Song: "Bleed", "Future Breed Machine", and "New Millennium Cyanide Christ".
  • They Changed It, Now It Sucks!: Some older fans didn't really like the post-Chaosphere releases, as they felt that the band lost much of their musical aggression with their greater focus on slower, groovier tracks. Nothing and Catch Thirtythree, in particular, get hit by this sentiment the most. (Despite this, Catch Thirtythree is currently their second highest rated full-length album on Metal Archives - go figure.) This feeling subsided after they introduced thrashier elements back in ObZen.
