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YMMV / Martincitopants

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  • Never Live It Down: The entire rabbit hole that is Martin driving down 6000 km. in My Summer Carnote  Needless to say, his viewers then went on a field day constantly reminding Martin about the dreaded challenge he obviously didn't want to experience, either on ALL of his videos, his social media accounts, or on his live streams.
  • Scrappy Mechanic: invoked In his "Battlefield 4" and Battlefield 2042" tier lists, F-tier and D-tier are for weapons and mechanics he feels are useless, boring, or hinder more than help.
  • Scrub: A feature of his Battlefield tier lists, notable examples include putting "long-range sniper" in F-tier because it was "cowardly", despite it just being the intended use of the sniper rifle. He even doubled down on it in his 2042 tier list by putting it in F-tier again while mocking commenters who criticized his original choice.
