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YMMV / Martha Is Dead

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  • Genius Bonus: The drug Percelin is constantly seen throughout the game. Those who know their World War II history would know that this drug was made out of crystal meth and was known to cause hallucinations and mood swings.
  • Memetic Mutation: As soon as the name was announced, many people, including some who otherwise weren't interested in the game, started posting memes of Batman saying "Why did you say that name?!" from Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.
  • Nausea Fuel: The womb cutting scene.
  • Nightmare Fuel: This is indeed a disturbing game, starting with a girl impersonating her dead twin and ramping up from there. There are scenes that are disturbing enough that you have the option to skip them entirely, and some versions even have the game censored (despite it already being 18+). The scenes involving womb cutting and face peeling take this trope to the roof and combine it with Nausea Fuel. If you're playing the uncensored version and choose not to skip these scenes, you'll discover that they are interactive. Prepare yourself.
  • Subbing Versus Dubbing: The default set up is Italian with English subtitles for a more "authentic" experience per the developers. An English dub is also available.
