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YMMV / Mama Is a Fourth Grader

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  • Germans Love David Hasselhoff: The series is huge in Arabic countries despite the changes they made in their dub (for example, Mirai being Natsumi's sister from another planet instead of her future daughter). It's more popular in the Middle East than the rest of the world.
  • Unintentionally Unsympathetic: Natsumi's parents are portrayed as good people, but their kind of dickish behavior in the first episode doesn't show it very well. They leave to go to London without her (granted, this isn't entirely their fault), have her irresponsible aunt look after her, and give away her dog since said aunt has a bad case of Cynophobia. Natsumi’s mother does appear several episodes later to get her back, but her daughter refuses to leave Mirai behind and is okay with staying in Japan under her aunt’s guardianship for a little longer.
  • Values Dissonance: The anime's premise of having a small child act as a parent (with barely any outside support) to a baby. If this was set in America, viewers would have her call social services instead. There's also the topic of whether such a thing is abuse since Natsumi makes a lot of sacrifices no child should have to make (willingly staying with her terrible aunt for example).
