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YMMV / Littlest Pet Shop 2012 S 1 E 14 Trading Places

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  • Squick:
    • In the cold open, Zoe gets a huge pimple on her nose, complete with a zoom-in of it pulsing.
    • When Russell gets lost at Blythe's school, Blythe tries to find him in various parts of the lunchroom, one of them includes the trash can. She then picks out the trash and puts it on her lunch tray, understandably disgusting another student passing by.
  • Suspiciously Similar Song: Russell's graduation in his Imagine Spot is accompanied by a modified version of "Pomp and Circumstance."
    • The song the marching band plays right after the false alarm sounds a lot like the opening theme to fellow Hub show Pound Puppies (2010).
