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YMMV / Legends of Tomorrow S1E16 "Legendary"

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  • Ass Pull: Rip's explanation to Sara about why she can't save Laurel despite having a time machine is pretty weak, especially the bit where Sara going with Rip altered time so that while Laurel still died, Quentin was spared.
    • However this is leaving out the fact Rip tried to alter time to save his family...and completely failed in the end. It wouldn't matter because there are some events set in stone. Such as Rip's family dying.
  • Catharsis Factor: The Legends brutally kill three separate versions of Vandal Savage to defeat him for good: Sara snaps his neck, Mick sets him on fire, and Kendra stabs him followed by Rip electrocuting him. Given how evil he's been on this show AND on The Flash and Arrow, he definitely deserved it.
  • Like You Would Really Do It: Come on, did anyone think Rip was really going to die?
  • Narm Charm: Just as Rip is about to fly himself into the sun to destroy the last meteor, he has a vision of Miranda and Jonas, which gives him closure and the will to keep living.
