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YMMV / Last Alert

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  • Complete Monster:
    • Chairman Steve Lloyd, president of Dual Foundation and member of the Lloyd government, is the stingy funder and leader of the Force Project. Responsible for countless acts of worldwide terrorism, blackmailing, and massacres for the sake of selling weapons, Steve starts the game luring Guy Kazama and his soldiers into a trap that sees everybody but Guy killed. Steve also allows General Kadat to murder and torture whomever he likes, and even approves of Dr. Garcia's deadly Indra satellite to wipe out mankind.
    • Dr. Che Garcia, the Force Project's cybernetic, ever-chuckling physicist, stands out as the worst member of the Project. Creating the Indra satellite to wipe out all life on Earth, Garcia sets it to activate once all his cohorts have been slain, personally challenging Guy Kazama to stop him before the satellite fires. After his defeat at the hands of Guy, Garcia tells him how to stop Indra just so Guy can die attempting to protect humanity.
  • Ho Yay: One of the conversations between Dark and Guy when the latter is rescuing the president turns into this.
    Dark: The President is a important guest for us, too, you know. I can't let him go.
  • It's Easy, So It Sucks!: Last Alert is not a very hard game. Every hit you take causes only one point of damage (you can have as many as 24 points of health) and there are medkits everywhere. Every hit you deal to almost every mook is an instant kill, and all enemy projectiles are painfully slow, while your bullets move significantly faster. Let's not forget the constant power-ups that grant you Spread Shot and explosive missiles. With unlimited ammo, no less.
  • Magnificent Bastard: Guy Kazama is a former soldier whose squadron was killed in a massive ambush organized by Chairman Steve Lloyd. Recruited by the CIA to stop Steve's Force Project, Guy proves his combat skills by accomplishing impossible tasks, such as tracking down General Kadat by locating his aides and killing them for his location; seeing through Steve's body double on a cruise ship and using explosives to cause enough chaos to draw out the real Steve; and stopping Dr. Garcia's Indra satellite designed specifically to kill him should he try to destroy it, saving the entire world in the process.
  • Narm: All sorts of it, thanks to the voice acting and translation. The game would have been pretty unmemorable without it though.
  • Narm Charm: Any scene with Tommy Lee or Che Garcia. Guy has a pretty fun, memetastic voice, but Tommy Lee's voice loops around from offensive to just plain hilarious, and Garcia's gremlin-like voice, silly giggling, and slow, dramatic manner of speaking makes the two stand out as the most memorable members of the Force Project.
  • So Bad, It's Good: The cutscenes. It's easy to find yourself laughing at the poor translations and hammy voice acting.
  • So Okay, It's Average: The gameplay, which is laughably easy due to overpowered weapons and a ludicrously long life bar.
  • That One Level: The game isn't hard, but there are two levels that can run out the clock due to how annoyingly long and tedious they are:
    • The second level of the second arc in the country of Flet is a massively long slog through a winding path filled with hostages to rescue. You have to find all of them to trigger the boss fight at the end of the level, and for the first time in the game, the distance you can see on the field isn't sufficient to have a complete idea of where you are and where to search for hostages. Though it's mostly just one straight path, this can be an issue, since many of the hostages are at the ends of small breakaways in the path the player might miss as they continue on, and even on the straightaways the area can end up being so massive you walk right past where a hostage might be. Even if you know where all the hostages are, you will wish Guy had a run button, because the level just will not end.
    • The first level in Lybid is just as guilty of being an utter slog as the previous example. Thankfully, the hostages aren't required to pick up, but it's a long, long walk to reach Robert. The game gives you seven minutes; even if you avoid the side paths with goodies and hostages, you'll still need a solid five of them to reach the end.
