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YMMV / Kero Blaster

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  • Awesome Music: Practically Studio Pixel's signature at this point.
    • It's my blaster, the theme of the first level. Then after several tense fights it's a welcoming sound to hear as you make your way through the final levels of both Normal and Zangyou mode.
    • Check'IN Out, the OXOX hotel theme. It sounds a lot like the formerly Cut Song "Wind Fortress" from Cave Story with its upbeat but relaxing melody.
    • Time Table, the Trayne Station theme. A strangely-sad theme that fits being lost in an unfamiliar location.
    • Zombeat, the theme for part 1 of the Final Boss of Normal Mode and the penultimate boss of Zangyou Mode, is a remix of a song from Pixel's shmup Guxt, which itself is a remix of a song from Cave Story. The familiar intro segues straight into a full blown battle theme fit for fighting another one of Pixel's possessed abominations.
    • The final boss of Zangyou mode gets its own theme, which incorporates an array of beeps and ringing noises into its bass line as you do battle with an evil telephone themed entity.
  • Good Bad Bugs: During the Boss Rush in Omake Mode, N577 (the missile truck) is triggered by touching the ground after warping in. By using the jetpack to land on a platform above the inactive boss, you can pull out the second-level Kuro Blaster (the only weapon with enough horizontal range) and start hitting it; this counts as damage and will eventually destroy the boss, and since you never activated it, the timer stays still.
  • Scrappy Mechanic: You can shoot left, right, and upwards regardless of the direction you're moving, but you cannot shoot downwards. This can prove problematic for enemies that attack from below.
  • Spiritual Successor: To Cave Story. Both are Run-and-Gun type games using a strong Retraux aesthetic with a variety of unique upgradeable weapons, and the occasional Surprisingly Creepy Moment. Also, a few of the music tracks in it are remixed from Cave Story.
  • That One Achievement: The Jacket Rush achievement requires that you beat Omake Mode while wearing the Jacket, an item that will disappear if you take a single point of damage. The campaign ends in a Boss Rush where most of the bosses have predictable attack patterns that can be consistently dodged with a bit of practice. But Dark, a boss that shoots out multiple fast moving tendrils in unpredictable directions, and Boss Plate, a boss that requires that you dodge several volleys of fat projectiles while keeping your footing on small moving platforms, are two formidable barriers to nabbing this no-hit achievement.
  • That One Boss: "Dark 2", the boss of Hekichi Plateau. It takes up more than half of the already small boss room, and since it moves towards you in the first phase, it can crush you against a surface for an instant death. The first phase isn't too bad, but the second shoots out random, coiling tendrils and drops blobs from the ceiling. Its weak point is small and gets blocked by the tendrils, and after depleting more of the boss's health, it becomes impossible to predict where the point will be when the boss stops spinning. Zangyou Mode makes Dark 2 harder by giving its shadow balls a homing quality, and it keeps moving in its second phase, making for odd tendril positions and more crushing potential.
  • That One Level: White Laboratories, on Zangyou mode. The first screen of the level demands long jumps across tiny platforms over gaping Bottomless Pits. One of these jumps in particular has a critter crawling back and forth on the other end; while touching the critter doesn't hurt you, it can happen that it's on the nearer edge of the platform when you try to land, causing you to be blocked and end up in the abyss below, and the only way to time the jump correctly is either through lots of Trial-and-Error Gameplay or straight up luck. Another part of the level requires some careful jumps to negotiate moving platforms. Since the platforms are entirely solid (and not just in one direction), not only can you be killed by being crushed between a platform and a solid wall, the same can happen if you're caught between one platform and another, parallel-moving platform next to it in the opposite direction, making the platform-jumping sections much more anxiety-inducing than they ought to be. If you thought it threw you a bone with the two extra lives just before it, you're going to need them.
