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YMMV / Juvenile Orion

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  • Funny Moments: When Kaname mentions the story of when he protected Mana from a dog when they were children:
    Kaname: A long time ago, there was a wild dog in my neighborhood. She was scared of its bark and cried a bunch. I protected her and all, but the next day I alone ran into the dog.
    [Dog glares at Kaname right around the corner] I've been waiting for you little boy
    Kaname: It chased me and bit me.
    Shiba: Er... Kusukabe? You're talking kinda funny...
    Kaname: So the next day I took a bat and went looking for that dog. Gotta get revenge <- Fell down and got wounded from running away [-But by the time I got there, she... had already made friends with it.
    [Mana and the dog are happy. Kaname drops the bat in dismay]
