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YMMV / Inescapable: No Rules No Rescue

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  • Eight Deadly Words: Players didn't really cotton to the game's cast to say the least. Most of the characters being unrepentant assholes, attention whores or even downright criminals with the few slightly more sympathetic individuals either being underdeveloped or the frequent target of harassment will do that.
  • It's the Same, Now It Sucks!: The Trust and Suspicion route take more than a bit of inspiration from the Danganronpa series. To a lot of players this read more like a blatant rip-off than a homage, especially with Inescapable employing the same visuals as Danganronpa down to the iconic pink blood and the comicbook style crime scene recreations at the end of "trials" but having nothing close to Danganronpa 's interesting cast or engaging mystery and story.
  • The Scrappy: Naomi might be the single most hated character in the game which, in a cast that already falls into the Eight Deadly Words, is an achievement in and of itself. Being an obnoxiously loud Jerkass with none of the charisma of fellow Deadly Game hosts from other franchises, along with the voice actresses's shrill performance could have something to do with it.
  • Vanilla Protagonist: Harrison is a Ridiculously Average Guy who works as a bus driver in London and his defining character traits are being sort of nice and sort of shy. Not a lot to chew on for players.
