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YMMV / Henshin Heroes

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  • Alternate Character Interpretation: The IC forum games thread also has some parts of a character's personality that rarely show up in the actual RP, if at all. However, most of these personality aspects come from Actor Allusion, so it may not even be canon to the RP.
  • Funny Moments: Bridge handcuffs himself to Whip Nagara (aka Kamen Rider Raiga), and then loses the key ...
    • When under attack my a divine Kaiju who is about to kill a heavily ailed Nakida, her reaction is to kick it in the groin.
  • Game-Breaker - Marcel's Arms Driver heals his wounds instantly upon transformation. Granted, there was a time lock on it, but since becoming possessed, the lock is removed. There's a reason Marcel doesn't show up in many threads anymore...
  • Ho Yay: Jasmine and Sakura.
