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YMMV / Henchgirl

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  • Squick: In the bonus material, a cop (who appears to be a Photo-Girl fan in Issue 9) has a Photo-Girl dakimakura (body pillow). This takes it from "fan" to "Ewwwwwww!" very quickly.
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Character:
    • The story seem to show that Palawan was going to be Mary's ally within The Butterfly Gang, but after the incident with Fred being broken, his relevance drops off very quickly till he pretty much quits the gang of his own violation. It's been pointed out that he could've aided in trying to help get Mary back to normal from the evil serum.
    • Amelia was felt this way by some fans since she doesn't really contribute much of anything to the story other then some drama on how Coco and Fred are killed. The fact she was a runaway made it intriguing how her parents would've reacted to her doing so. But the comic never dwells on this and just regulates her to a one-sided rivalry on Mary's part. Heck each time we keep seeing her past the main story, she changes her look and seems to have got a lock on her newfound magical powers. But again, never elaborated.
    • While we get some backstory with Flame Girl and El Romantico, their relationship isn't really explored nor what exactly led them to ostracize Mary before she went time hopping.
    • Some fans would've liked to see more of Paige and her relationship with Mary.
    • Consuelo likewise was felt to be seriously underused. The most-often reason given was that she wanted to be a superhero but has a very vague relationship with Mr. Great Guy, gets beaten up in her first two appearances, managed to sucker punch Mary as she was running from the cops and later suddenly showing up in a new outfit and name with virtually no explanation what caused the change. This is especially frustrating when you translate her conversation with Fred from when she bust in on the group after Mary's time travel attempt as she mentions being a "maid" sounded familiar to her, indicating the new timeline somehow changed her.
    • Evil Tina finally shows up in the main story after the one-off gag in the original print... for about two pages in the Extended Edition and is quickly killed off before she can really do anything other than gloat.
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot:
    • A common criticism is that the plots move too fast and don't really stay focus or elaborate on certain things. Most of which is commented on by the author in the blog rather then showing the audience what's going on. (and even that's gone now with the loss of the webcomic page).
    • Many were hoping the Extended Edition would've expanded a bit more on the ending and show the battle against the Carrot Army. These hopes were dashed when Tina pretty much resolves the problem instantly before the battle really gets going. The heroes don't even get close to where she was being held.
    • The ending of the Extended Edition likewise felt underwhelming. We're never shown why Mary gave up the hero life or what became of some of the cast (Consuelo, Palawan, Raj). While it's great Fred finally gets a body again, the story just ends there and Mary still being the same sad sack as always. Many readers even wondering what the ending was trying to go for and why it had to end on such a downer note when the initial ending least gave Mary some hope for the future.
