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YMMV / Havok

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  • Audience-Alienating Era: Unnatural Selection. While the band was trying to go for something different rather than just making Time Is Up 2.0, general consensus was that it was a few good songs and a whole lot of boring, go-nowhere throwaways and that they had made the album that people had praised them for not making with Time Is Up. It's now considered to be their worst by a decent margin, and they barely play anything off of it live nowadays; the general consensus is that Conformicide, while maybe not quite as good as Time Is Up, is far better than Unnatural Selection.
  • Growing the Beard: Burn was viewed as a solid but unremarkable debut that showed promise and was certainly better than most of their contemporaries, but still wasn't anything truly amazing. Time Is Up was the album that solidified them as a major player in modern thrash and a band to look out for.
  • Narm: A common criticism of Dave's lyrics from Unnatural Selection onward. While they have their defenders, a sizable portion of the fanbase is of the opinion that Dave's recent lyrics read like the work of someone who reads far too much libertarian and anti-religious clickbait instead of actually making measured, thoughtful critiques.
  • Win Back the Crowd: Fan reaction to Unnatural Selection was generally lukewarm and a lot of fans criticized it for being emblematic of a lot of the worst tendencies of modern thrash. Conformicide, on the other hand, has been welcomed in as an entry that is at least comparable to Time Is Up.
