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YMMV / Green Lanterns

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  • Broken Base: According to Tim Seeley himself, people on Twitter either loved the superhero dating App "Caper" he introduced and thought it was funny, or they hated it and thought it was stupid.
    • While Frank Laminkski is usually seen as a Hate Sink, and meant to be a Strawman for why Jessica and Simon are good GL's it's not uncommon to find readers who found him to be Unintentionally Sympathetic and would've loved to see him stay as a hero in some form, like he wanted to be. It doesn't help that all the negative traits he's supposed to have/be showing off are far more Informed Attribute's than anything in the actual story.
  • Narm: The Panel in which Volthoom is getting the first lantern implanted in his body would be intense, but it's drawn in such a way that it looks like the guardian doing the surgery is just shoving the thing into his open chest.
  • Older Than They Think: Jessica Cruz is often referenced as being the first Hispanic and first female human Green Lantern. She's neither; Kyle Rayner is white-passing Latino (his father is Hispanic), while Jennie-Lynn Hayden/Jade, daughter of Alan Scott, was inducted into the Green Lantern Corps after she lost her natural Starheart-derived Green Lantern powers, though she returned the ring when these powers were restored. Due to Jade's short tenure and her spending so much time with her own, natural powers, her membership is often ignored, while Kyle's white-passing nature and the general lack of connection he has to this side of his roots generally results in both these facts being forgotten or ignored.
