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YMMV / GreedFall

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  • Alternative Character Interpretation:
    • Constantin may have completely lost it, but he might not have been entirely wrong: Is the eldritch god of the island really a guardian of nature, or is it just saying what it has to to make the natives play along with its need (or even just desire) for human blood to sustain itself?
    • Was Governor Burhan really unaware of the Bridge Alliance committing all sorts of heinous crimes under his rule, or was he secretly complicit in some/all of it and was just feigning ignorance out of desperation to save face when confronted by De Sardet? The story never really makes it clear, but during the mad doctor Asili's execution he calls Burhan "the biggest hypocrite" in the entire Alliance when Burhan publicly denounces his crimes, and while Burhan doesn't respond to Asili's callout, he does seem to have trouble looking him in the eye...
  • Captain Obvious Reveal: De Sardet is an islander. Everybody comments on how much you look like a native, Síora confuses you for one the first time you meet, and you bear a mark that only other natives have.
    • Similarly, the endgame reveal that Constantin is the one engineering the attacks — De Sardet's usually pretty quick on the uptake, but they didn't even suspect the guy who has been acting very weird since being kidnapped and mutated? Of course, De Sardet is pretty much all soft spot for Constantin, so Implausible Deniability could be at play there.
  • Complacent Gaming Syndrome: Regardless of whatever build one chooses, nobody will ever select the third tier of talents because every companion will give you a bonus upon completing their quests. Also, you can find and craft gear that increases your talent scores yourself.
  • Demonic Spiders: Enemies with guns. They can sit outside of your lock-on radius (which means you need to fight the game to get to them instead of the less threatening melee enemies), and guns are just as dangerous for them as they are you, meaning it’ll only take a few shots. If there are two or more of them, you are going to get shot at least once.
  • Even Better Sequel: While not without its faults, most agree that the this is a massive improvement over Spiders' previous game, The Technomancer.
  • Fan Nickname: De Sardet is referred to as "The/Sardine" by many players, either affectionatly or not-so-much.
  • Fanon: According to some fans, Vasco was given to the Nauts as one of many children used as a trade for baby De Sardet. Since Livie De Sardet badly wanted a child, and is the sister to the ruling Prince d'Orsay, the Prince made the arrangement with the Nauts that in exchange for baby De Sardetnote  they would receive a number of Congregation infants. The Prince would have then forced any families with new or young children to give them to the Nauts, and Vasco would have been an infant at the time. The drama of the potential Switched at Birth angle is intriguing, and something Vasco comments on several times. The characters' own uncertainty as to why Vasco was given to the Nautsnote  makes this a preferred explanation.
  • Funny Moments:
    • Eseld is Síora's twin sister, and you can ask her to tell you about Síora... Even if Síora is in your party. If you do this, Eseld will call you a weirdo and refuse to answer.
    • While you and Kurt are exploring the Ghost Camp, Kurt summons the lieutenants to request a tour of the camp. Since they're hiding something, they protest with the excuse that they have to oversee the training. Kurt ignores this, knowing he can just pull rank.
    • There are a few quests where the objective is to arrest someone. Ninety percent of the time, you'll end up killing them.
    • During Father Petrus' first quest, as you're looking for some clues on Mother Cornelia's side activities, you find a hidden pleasure den in her palace where orgies are apparently held. Your next step is to go interrogate the prostitutes working at the local brothel. One of them is very pleased to see Father Petrus and greets him like a regular customer. And judging by his embarassment, he might very well be.
  • Game-Breaker:
    • The Technician tree in general is the most powerful of the skill trees, as guns and traps/bombs deal ludicrous damage, strip armor and keep most enemies from even touching you. It's normally balanced out by the fact that resources for it are fairly limited, but at level 2 Science you can craft ammo and mixtures en-masse to ensure that you never run out. Its only real weakness is bosses or packs of enemies that have an absurd amount of armor to stop guns and non-magic traps, but aside from bombs it fortunately has amazing synergy with..
    • The Mage tree. Magic missiles and ki attacks bypass armor entirely while Stasis can stun any enemy in the gamenote , and an early skill tree upgrade corrodes armor while it’s active. Combine this with an Hourglass Amulet, which increases stasis time, and you can effectively "Stunlock" any enemy: Cast stasis, wait for your MP to recharge faster than the enemy can shake off the stun, and repeat until you have enough magic to unload a barrage of magic missiles. For crowd control, Storm can stun all enemies in a medium radius while decreasing their attack speed and defense, giving you ample time to pick them off one by one.
  • Goddamned Bats: Bats themselves, actually. They usually appear in swarms and all have an annoying poison attack that drains your health like no one's business even if you out-level them. Encounters with them can become frustrating very quickly if you don't stock up on health potions beforehand.
  • Informed Wrongness: If De Sardet isn't able to stop the Coin Guard's coup, one of the other major cities will be taken over. During the last quarter of the game, a representative will come to you for help fending off the native wildlife besieging their city. Constantin refuses, which deeply troubles De Sardet and is meant to show that he's Slowly Slipping Into Evil, but many players wondered: Why exactly should Constantin agree the help the people who betrayed his trust, tried to assassinate him and his beloved cousin, took over one of the few major settlements the Congregation can rely on and screwed over the other two? The Coin Guard more or less threatened the safety of the Congregation out of selfish intentions, so Constantin's refusal is harsh but fairly justified given everything around the event. In that context, De Sardet calling him out seems kind of ridiculous, since they don't acknowledge how they were almost killed in the event.
  • Moment of Awesome:
    • Defeating Commander Torsten and foiling the Coin Guard's attempted coup.
    • Finally taking down Egon and restoring the Coin Guard's honor.
    • Confronting Governor Burhan about your attempted assassination. The most powerful man in Hikmet is reduced to groveling at your feet.
    • If you've reached "Friendly" status with the Bridge Alliance before starting the De Vespe Conspiracy, Burhan dismisses Lady De Vespe's agent's "warning" about De Sardet out of hand and orders his guards to escort her out of the city — He knows full well how much you've done for him by now, and how trustworthy you are.
  • Narm:
    • Some of the facial animations are... Awkward. The characters' blindingly white teeth do not help.
    • De Sardet drinking armor ointment, since it's classified as a potion.
  • Padding: Some of the backtracking in the game, and especially with some quests can certainly feel padded out. The most egregious example may be Síora's final companion quest: You travel to her mother's future resting place and clear out the monsters you find there — so far so good. It is only after you enter the mausoleum, however, that Síora informs you that she'll need a pair of censers and a special balm for the rituals — Maybe you bought the censers and balm from local merchants on a whim earlier, but nothing indicates you need these items up until this point, and if you didn't buy it the balm can only be crafted after Síora first mentions it. There's no fast travel point near the mausoleum and the nearest crafting bench is half a map away, so you will have to make the same trek two more times just because Síora neglected to mention a key item in the upcoming ritual. Granted, she may have been so distraught over having to bury her recently-deceased mother that it slipped her mind, but she never says anything to that affect, so it just comes across as the writers artificially prolonging the quest.
  • Spiritual Successor: Has been described as a successor to BioWare's RPGs, particularly to the later Dragon Age installments and to the Mass Effect trilogy. In fact, the director of the game said outright in 2019 that Spiders created the game in the first place largely because BioWare had stopped making story-driven, single-player-only Western RPGs.note  In another interview in 2022, after announcing GreedFall 2: The Dying World, Spiders made clear that they want to be what Bioware used to be.
