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  • Actor Shipping: Becky Armstrong and Sarocha Chankimha, Mon and Sam's actors respectively, got hit hard with this as the fandom picked up steam, with many fans frenziedly speculating that the two might have brought their fictional romance into their real lives. It wasn't uncommon for the "#freenbecky" hashtag to trend on twitter the night a new episode premiered.
  • Narm: The low budget leads to a few gems in earlier episodes, namely Sam saving Mon from an extremely slow-moving car and Song dying in a hilariously unconvincing road accident (though the latter becomes Harsher in Hindsight when it is expanded on later in the series). The sometimes awkwardly translated subtitles also lead to some clunky dialogue like "love is not reserved for the hetero."
  • Narm Charm: Many fans initially got into the show because of, not in spite of the corny bits.
  • Values Dissonance: The emotional scene where the grandmother finally gives her blessing for Sam and Mon's relationship didn't resonate as well with North American audiences, due to the more individualistic nature of western culture that ascribes less importance to family approval.
