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YMMV / Game of Thrones S6E1: "The Red Woman"

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  • Alternative Character Interpretation:
    • Was Jaime's decision to return to King's Landing instead of turning around to confront Doran about Ellaria really lacking any form of common sense, or was he simply smart enough to realize returning to Dorne seeking vengeance with only Bronn to fight by his side would end horribly since the Dornish soldiers clearly outnumber them?
      • Unfortunately, a photo of the letter Doran receives supports a lack of common sense since it clearly states Jaime does not suspect Doran and is sending Trystane straight back while expecting Doran to execute Ellaria and the Sand Snakes, all of which could have been achieved much faster by turning the ship around.
    • While a minor point, it's easy to interpret Moro as sincerely believing that seeing a beautiful woman naked for the first time is better than all the things his blood riders listed off, but conceded the point because liking sex more than killing would be socially unacceptable for Dothraki.
    • Was Ramsey choosing to feed Myranda's corpse to the hounds truly averting Due to the Dead or, in his own twisted way, does he truly believe feeding the hounds that they both loved would be the way to honor her, in the way she would have wished. They are both twisted creatures.
  • Bile Fascination: Some of the viewers and online commenters who had been alerted to the latest twists in the Dornish subplot watched the episode solely to see if things were actually going to be as bad as it seemed.
  • Fridge Horror: Melisandre has seduced countless men to serve her magic, all while being a saggy old crone in disguise. Aside from the fact that this is squicky by itself (not that there's anything morally wrong with seniors being sexually active...), her glamour very likely messed with her targets' heads further than just by making her more physically appealing, actually crossing the line to 'rape by deception'.
  • Take That, Scrappy!: Roose's "The Reason You Suck" Speech to Ramsay, particularly when he calls out his victory against Stannis's forces (one of the biggest contributing factors to Ramsay's Villain Sue status) as an easy win. And that without Sansa his position as Roose's heir, and their hold on the North, are in dire straits. Roose also calls Ramsay out for "playing games" with Sansa and Theon, as they were actually valuable prisoners as members/heirs of House Stark and Greyjoy respectively and Ramsay's treatment of them meant it was only a matter of time until they were driven to do something drastic.
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot: The show runners elected to double down on people's hatred of the Dorne storyline by removing the few things that were actually popular about it. Book readers especially were pissed, as Doran's death cuts off any possibility that he could be revealed to secretly be The Chessmaster like his book counterpart.
  • Unintentionally Unsympathetic: In the show-runners' reflection on the Dorne storyline, they felt that Ellaria and the Sand Snakes were meant to come off as the sympathetic party, justified in their argument that Doran was out of touch with his people and a boot-licker for wanting to Turn the Other Cheek. Unfortunately, their Revenge by Proxy on Myrcella and murdering Trystane out of spite cemented them as unpopular. Doran coming off as the one rational man in Dorne did not help matters either.
