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YMMV / Fushigi Yuugi: Genbu Kaiden

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  • Iron Woobie: Lord Temudan turns out to be this, since he's been through enormous and horrible pain through all of his life and yet is still determined to go on in one or another way.
  • Les Yay: In appearance and out-of-context with Uruki and Takiko, as a lot of their most romantic moments (such as but not limited to their first kiss and Uruki hugging Takiko to comfort her during a storm) happen when Uruki is in his girl form.
  • Nightmare Fuel: Takiko being subjected to TONS of Body Horror, as she summons Genbu and is consumed by him. Hoooooly shit.
  • Only the Author Can Save Them Now: The Urumiya arc.
  • Strangled by the Red String: Firuka and Hagas.
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Character: Shigi. He plays a larger role as part of the Kutou army and is the one who kills Tomite, but what little of his past is revealed makes him all the more interesting. Shigi's hometown was attacked by bandits, his family killed and he was left to starve, going so far as to eat animal bones simply to survive. Eventually he's caught and is made an eunuch, with implications that he was raped before or after the procedure, before he was finally found by Lord Hakei and offered a position of authority and a good life.
  • Too Bleak, Stopped Caring: The story is well-told and the characters believeable, though as death is a presence over the entire series (and according to Yuu Watase, Life And Death is the theme of the manga), there are some scenes that can come across as being slapped together for drama but ultimately don't leave as much of an impact as they could. Case in point, Hagus' death feels like a cop-out to age up Tegu.
