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YMMV / Frozen Fire

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  • Fridge Brilliance: when you realize that due to the circumstances surrounding his birth, Iagan Stark might just be the Prince That Was Promised after all. As per the prophecy, he was born "under a bleeding star" (the sunrise), amidst salt (the Ironborn attacking Winterfell) and smoke (the fires from the battle).
  • Heartwarming Moments: Iagan's birth. Robb races to North to defend Winterfell against the Ironborn invasion and arrives Just in Time to save his family.
    • Dany's loving relationship with Bran and Rickon.
    • When Daenerys told Robb that she was carrying his heir, he knelt in front of her.
      —> Daenerys: You finally bow before your queen.
Robb: No. I bow before the mother of my child.
