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YMMV / Freedom Fighters (2018)

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  • Catharsis Factor: A series about Freedom Fighters and citizens which includes African Americans standing up and taking the US and the world back from the Nazi regime. It ends with the sadistic Adolf Hitler III being found and murdered by Black Condor using his Plastic Man powers while he can only scream and beg the head of his deceased father to save him.
  • Complete Monster: Adolf Hitler III is the pinnacle of the global Reich's evil, with a passion for cruelty eclipsing both his deceased grandfather and his paranoid father. "Addie" is a Torture Technician unrivaled in his craft, spending his time finding new and innovative ways to torture people to death in his underground mountain sanctum, introduced in the middle of carving up a man suspended by sharp hooks. When two of his soldiers fire off a shot that kills an endangered bald eagle, Addie tortures the two of them on an arbitrary suspicion they may be spies. When the carcass of the eagle is brought to him and verifies the soldiers' story, Addie offhandedly remarks to ensure the surviving soldier be killed anyway. Addie even demonstrates his talents on the Human Bomb, gleeful at the challenge the Human Bomb's unique physiology poses to him and trying to break him by torturing Doll Woman in front of him. Disgusted by his father's lack of a spine, Addie takes over the Reich himself by slashing his father's throat and unhesitatingly attempts to nuke everything within 500 miles merely to be free of the Freedom Fighters. A vile bully who couldn't even care less about the Reich itself, Addie attempts in the end to skip off to Argentina and spend the rest of his days torturing villagers to death to slake his boredom.
