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YMMV / Fell Horizon

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  • Jerkass Woobie: Alear is at best unpleasant to most of her allies, a Terror Hero to her enemies, and committed at least one war crime during her time under Sombron. She also has an enormous amount of self-hatred, used to have well over a hundred siblings (Veyle's the only other survivor) and saw many of them die firsthand, including Nel and Rafal (who she was very close to), was raised in an incredibly abusive home where being openly nice to anyone could get her killed, Forced into Evil by Sombron under the threat of death, was persecuted after changing sides for being a Fell Dragon to the point she had several attempts on her life by Lythos staff and had to move to the Somniel just for her own safety, is convinced (for fairly solid reasons) that she can't tell anyone who she really is because they'll try to kill her if she does, and has to watch her adoptive mother die before her eyes Taking the Bullet for her, before learning that her mother's killer was her beloved (and brainwashed) baby sister.
