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YMMV / Family Guy S10 E22 "Family Guy Viewer Mail #2"

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  • Harsher in Hindsight:
    • In "Fatman and Robin", Peter's attempts at suicide are thwarted by his power to turn everything into Robin Williams. This episode finished airing on BBC Three just as news began circulating on Williams's death via suicide. Adding to that, Peter cuts off his hands to prevent future Williams clones. The day after Williams was found dead, it was reported that he tried to slash his wrists before hanging himself. Because of this, [adult swim] removed the episode from the schedule.
    • In "Chap of the Manor", Clive Crowley, the British equivalent of Tom Tucker, reports that a man with a gun and two bullets has attacked Manchester, in 2017 a terrorist attack occurred during Ariana Grande's "Dangerous Woman" concert tour killing 22 concertgoers and injuring 139.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: At the end of the "Fatman and Robin" segment, Stewie says to the audience that Disney wouldn't let the show have Genie. Come 2019, The Walt Disney Company buys the rights to Fox. Even better is that in a later episode that was produced post-Disney buyout, they still couldn’t use Hercules in a Helen of Troy segment.
