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YMMV / Fallout: Equestria - Empty Quiver

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  • Hilarious in Hindsight: Despite its first chapter debuting a full eleven months before its release, readers have commented more than once about the surprising similarities with Fallout 4. This eventually reached the point where a commentor on /mlp/ wondered if the authors were somehow linked with Bethesda.
    • For starters, the group is heavily involved in developing and improving settlements. Large chunks of the story are devoted to giving towns More Dakka and building links between communities. Helping them defend against future threats is key to their gradual progress, and the group is repeatedly sidetracked dealing with this over their actual goal.
    • The Anglerponies - often seen as a stand in for Mirelurks - are noted to exist prior to the bombs dropping thanks to genetic modifications. Then, lo and behold, terminals in the Nahant Oceanological Society reveal Mirelurks were prewar creations thanks to pollution.
    • Many real world vintage weapons show up in Empty Quiver, ranging from Second World War to Cold War guns, many of which promptly showed up in the new game.
    • One personal arc focuses upon a bitter, combat happy side character and involves them overcoming a long standing drug addiction. Having been hooked for years, long past the point where most doctors can deal with it, the heroes eventually find a way of purging her system of chemicals. This causes them to emerge as a more openly friendly member of the group, at ease with themselves. Oddly enough, this fits both Crash Dive and Cait to a tee.
    • If all this wasn't enough, upon the release of the Far Harbor trailer, it was revealed that one of the new enemies is some sort of mutated Anglerfish. Remains to be seen if those enemies are as tough as the Anglerponies, but the fact that mutant Anglerfish of any description are now canon begs the question of if the authors do work at Bethesda, or are simply clairvoyant to some degree. Or, yanno, are just really lucky at guessing.
    • With the full release of Far Harbor, a rather astonishing number of parallels have been noted between it and Empty Quiver, including; old-timey diving suits, harpoon guns, a nuclear missile submarine, a submarine pen, and perhaps most astonishing of all, a Mr. Handy/Ms. Nanny robot named Pearl. Whether it's clairvoyance or coincidence, only the authors can say.
