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YMMV / Evil Dead: Hail to the King

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  • Complete Monster: Evil Ash, born from a reflection of Ash in Dead by Dawn, stands in stark contrast to his medieval counterpart as a cold-blooded mastermind with even greater ambitions in store. Posing as the cowardly Father Allard to trick Ash into doing the dirty work for him, Evil Ash soon goes back in time to Damascus 730 AD, where he collaborates with a local Apocalypse Cult before disposing of them and revealing his ultimate plan to sacrifice Ash's new girlfriend to the eldritch Dark Ones and let them overrun Earth in return for being rewarded with godhood.
  • Goddamned Bats: Common deadites and skeletons, because of the Scrappy Mechanic listed below. They are everywhere, never stop respawning and refuse to leave you alone. They also have a particularly nasty habit of spawning right in front of you, which combined with the clunky movement and often narrow environments can lead to a lot of unavoidable damage, especially if they sandwich you with another enemy that's already following you.
  • Retroactive Recognition: This game is the debut title for developer Heavy Iron Studios. The same team who would later go on to create Battle for Bikini Bottom.
  • Scrappy Mechanic: Standard enemies like basic deadites and skeletons never stop respawning. On one hand, this limits the amount of areas you can safely traverse. On the other hand, it means that they never stop harassing you and actually fighting them is pretty much pointless. Enemies do drop items, but it's usually just barely enough to make up for the resources you lost killing them in the first place.
