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YMMV / Enlightenment

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  • Nightmare Fuel
    • In Tigris, the description of the Academy leaving for a shelter, and leaving Kate and Taylor to fend for themselves, alone. Everyone is crying except Kate, who can't even process it yet. Just the entire atmosphere of desolation and fear is incredibly tearjerk-y.
      • And then there are the descriptions of a rioting New York right afterwards, and you remember that Donna was going to New York...
    • In the short story "Kitty," Penny mockingly asking Kate if she got her brains from her father, who died before Kate was even born. The rest of the class's complete lack of empathy for Katherine, the teachers inability to realize that Leila was in the wrong, and Kate's crushing loneliness make it much worse.
      • Kate's loneliness throughout everything we've seen of the books thus far (the original and the rewrite) are major tearjerkers. She has no friends, and her parents are outright neglectful if not abusive. Scout has Robyn and Megan, Scarlett has Penny and Leila, Taylor has Lillie Anne (and the thirty-odd fangirls she's friends with) and Kate has nobody.
      • This makes her lab team calling her Kitty in Anomaly sad. We know they're joking, but Kate associates the nickname with very negative memories.
    • Dana's lab incident. Belle's crying, Dana's passive acceptance of her own impending doom, and the rest of the team casually joking and continuing work right afterwards.
    • Kate realizing she is unnerved and upset by Dana's accident, but she can't ever deal with it or break down, because everyone relies too much on her- those at home need her as a buffer between them and Joe/Sharon, and those at school need her to lead them and keep them on target.
    • Kate considers Taylor her best friend, but Taylor seems to consider her as her weird-but-nice coworker at best. She's much, much closer with Lillie Anne and Natalie than she is to Kate, even though she and Kate live together. And Kate considers all three her friends, despite the fact that she's clearly the odd one out.
