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YMMV / Dual Hearts

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  • Heartwarming Moments: The flashback in Val's dream. Also the ending, although rather cheesy.
  • Moment of Awesome: Sheeps wearing helmets with candle-like flames storming the snowman's lair to still the blizzard. Absurd, random, awesome.
  • Fridge Logic: Tumble teleports at ease, which should enable him to cheat a great many of puzzles. Lampshaded by Rumble saying that he doesn't know why.
  • Tear Jerker: When the sheep in Lilian's dream sacrifices itself to save the forest.
  • That One Boss: Deimos. Not that he's particularly hard to beat, but it takes forever and makes the timed Boss Rush difficult.
  • That One Side Quest: Penne and the land race against him. While racing him in the water isn't very challenging, he is far faster than Tumble on land, and the only real chance you have of making things easier is by using the dash often, which is risky with the chance to fall and restart the race.
