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YMMV / Draw a Stickman: Epic

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  • Demonic Spiders: There are actual spiders in the game, and they can actually be this trope if you don't have the armor pencil.
  • Game-Breaker: The armor pencil absorbs hits for you. Just try to lose a level with it.
  • It's Easy, So It Sucks!: Draw A Stickman: EPIC 2 is incredibly easy, even when going for 100% completion, while the 1st game was actually pretty challenging.
  • Surprise Difficulty: The original is this when going for 100% completion. Grave Decisions is going to leave you especially pissed off if you try to get all the secrets.
  • That One Level: Grave Decisions. Dear God, Grave Decisions. Just getting the zombies to the jack-o-lanterns is tricky!
  • That One Boss: Zarp, due to the small time limit you have to destroy the cage, use the elevator, hatch both dragon eggs, water the flowers, and ultimately unlock the cage containing your friend.
