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YMMV / Doctor Who S39 E2: "Flux Chapter Two: War of the Sontarans"

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  • Alternate Character Interpretation:
    • Was General Logan really blowing up the Sontaran ship for the sake of avenging his fallen men like he claimed, or- as the Doctor suspects- was he simply assuaging his own guilty conscience for having led said men into a battle they couldn't win? Or maybe some of both?
    • Given that the nature of the TARDIS's malfunctions are not currently clear, the audience is left to wonder why the door disappeared for most of the episode. Was it just another random glitch, or was the TARDIS intentionally trying to keep the Doctor and her companions out?
  • Character Rerailment: After being used as comic relief during the Moffat era, mainly due to being represented primarily by Strax, the Sontarans are back to being intimidating villains: although their over-the-top nature still leads to some funny moments. They are seeing running a dictatorial occupation of earth, enforcing a brutal honor code, and coldly executing random humans, much to Dan's horror.
  • Genius Bonus: "Moirai" is the Greek name for the Fates, one of whom is Atropos.
  • Special Effect Failure: The sight of Dan and Karvanista being ejected from the Sontaran ship isn't as convincing as the ship itself.
  • Win Back the Crowd: After a string of hotly contested episodes in the Jodie Whittaker era, this one presents a decent and suspenseful story with many strong points. The Sontarans are a serious threat, the Doctor shows her darker, angry side when the general kills retreating enemies like Ten did with the murder of the Sycorax and the story features Dan and Yaz acting on their own to fight off evil instead of being upstaged by the Doctor.
