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YMMV / Demonbane

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  • Captain Obvious Reveal: Three guesses as to who Metatron is, and the first two don't count.
  • Common Knowledge
    • Ask most Mecha fans about "God Mode Demonbane" and they will say it grows so gigantic it pops universes by brushing against them and can summon infinite copies of itself. This is actually inaccurate: those are two different versions of Demonbane that often get blended together by people who have only heard of the series. "War God Demonbane" from the prequel novels does out-grow the universe it starts out in and moves through multiple universes as it battles the similarly-sized "War God Liber Legis", accidentally destroying universes by brushing against them; however, it cannot summon copies of itself. Meanwhile, "Elder God Demonbane" from the sequel game does summon infinite copies of itself, but remains the same size as the regular Demonbane (though it's heavily implied it could alter its size if it really wanted to).
    • Some people will claim that Demonbane kills Cthulhu or some of the Outer Gods throughout the series, but Cthulhu is never defeated by Demonbane in the story (Cthulhu dies due to being an Unwitting Pawn in the games of other, greater powers), nor do most of the Outer Gods make any appearance at all. The only one Demonbane directly battles is Nyarlathotep and it's implied the latter cannot be destroyed permanently.
  • Complete Monster
    • Nya, aka Nyarlathotep, is the true Big Bad of the whole setting, having set up all the events, allowing Anticross to cause so much pain and suffering, as well as their experiments and the bloodshed that resulted. Her cruelty is such that she attempts to create an Eldritch Location where a hero who opposed her is forced to relive his life over and over, coming close to seeing his true love again, but resetting before he could get to her. Nya's ultimate goal is to release Azathoth and the other outer gods to consume everything, relishing in nothing more than humanity's suffering.
    • Tiberius is a sickening killer and necromancer loathed even by many of his Anticross comrades. Tiberius is introduced as an undead masked clown who wants "alone" time with the young heir of the heroic Hadō family Ruri. Once he catches her, Tiberius wastes no time molesting and trying to rape her. When his organization Anticross makes its move, the people of the city are placed in refugee shelters. Tiberius attacks one shelter and take his time slaughtering or violating every living thing, regardless of age, before he moves on to another shelter to attempt the same. When he catches Ruri, he uses her as a Human Shield in his fight with Kurō Daijuji and wastes no time in trying to rape her and other youthful females he finds during the fighting.
    • Vespasianus is the Mad Scientist of Anticross who masterminded the C Project, where orphans were taken and raised for his experiments, so he could transform them into superpowered servants for the Black Lodge. One of them tried to escape, which resulted in Vespasianus subduing him and turning him forcibly into the Black Angel Sandalphon. In the present, Vespasianus presides over experiments with the Deep Ones where he has them "breed" with human women and later sacrifices the lot of them before achieving the summoning of the God Dagon, which he knows will wreak havoc. Vespasianius later helps fellow Anticross member Augustus participate in the overthrow of their master Therion with the other 4 so he and Augustus can bind Cthulhu itself to their will. He has Cthulhu violate their captive Nero and later tries to usurp Augustus as well, driven by nothing but a drive to satisfy his intellectual curiosity.
  • Creepy Cute: Dunsany the Shoggoth is a Blob Monster with tentacles, summoned from beyond human knowledge, but adorable regardless.
  • Fandom Rivalry: Quite a few Demonbane fans have grown to be sick of the Hypothetical Fight Debate community due to them only caring about Demonbane's power and not being invested in any other aspects of the story.
  • Friendly Fandoms: With Nyaruko: Crawling with Love!, another Cthulhu Mythos-inspired series that features Moe characters.
  • Genius Bonus: Demonbane has two space-distorting devices built into its legs, named "Timaeus" and "Critias". This spatial distortion can be used to greatly enhance Demonbane's maneuverability, but also as a short-range attack called "Atlantis Strike." Timaeus is the name of Plato's dialogue where he discusses Atlantis, and Critias is one of the principal speakers in it.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight
    • The fact that it takes place primarily in a city called "Arkham City".
  • Just Here for Godzilla: Demonbane is best known in Hypothetical Fight Debate communities for its characters reaching absurd Power Levels, with many considering the titular Humongous Mecha to be the most powerful mecha ever, and perhaps even one of the most powerful fictional entities in general. As such, quite a few people have checked the series out simply to verify the claims that are made about Demonbane's capabilities and whether they hold up or not.
  • Magnificent Bastard: Therion, master of the Black Lodge, is a powerful Sorcerer and the head of the elite Anticross unit. Skillfully manipulating the heroes, Kuro Daijuji and the Hado group, while also bringing Arkham City to its knees, Therion manipulates the rest of Anticross, knowing they intend to turn on and kill him. Playing them and returning from the dead to seize his plans back, Therion reveals his intention is to use Cthulhu himself to shatter the universe and end the cycle of fate he has been bound to before engaging Kuro in a last, epic battle for the fate of reality.
  • Memetic Badass: Demonbane, specifically Elder God Demonbane, is the end-all argument when it comes to Power Level discussions - The Flash? There's a universe where Demonbane's faster; Accelerator? There's a universe where Demonbane reflects the reflections of vectors; Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann or the continuously expanding Getter Emperor? Demonbane can grow bigger than either of them. There's also a Demonbane who knows how the King Crimson works and one who can defeat the Grimace.
  • Moe: In and around the series, just look at Al whenever Kurou transforms into a Magius. Even Dunsany the Shoggoth is adorable.
  • Narrowed It Down to the Guy I Recognize: It's pretty easy to guess Metatron's identity given the very limited number of voice acted characters.
  • Woolseyism: When Kurou brings Al to Leica's church, Leica "interrogates" him about where did this scantily clad little girl come from and offers him a bowl of katsudon. Why a sister of the cloth in an American church knows about a Japanese crime drama clichenote  God only knows, thus this is changed to a cigarette in the English translation.
