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YMMV / Deathstroke (Rebirth)

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  • They Changed It, Now It Sucks!: The portrayal of Slade and Terra's relationship has been criticized as a poorly thought out attempt to rectify the issues with how both were originally viewed in The Judas Contract. The intent of Marv Wolfman and George Perez at the time was that, yes, Slade was raping Terra but they were also trying to show she was "an insane slut." Early readers latched onto the latter assessment, viewing Terra as a completely irredeemable piece of garbage who brought her death onto herself while ignoring that Deathstroke, for all of his "honor," groomed and raped a mentally unstable teenage girl. Christopher Priest tried to fix this by portraying Slade as morally in the wrong for how he treated Terra, to the point even his right hand man Wintergreen believed he crossed the Moral Event Horizon. The problem is Terra is shown as trying to instigate a sexual relationship with Slade in this version, with him bluntly turning her down when she presents herself naked in his bed. He's later shown kissing her and feeding into her belief that they're a couple when she's in the middle of a violent breakdown, and that is what gets Wintergreen's scorn. For all of Priest's attempts to show Slade's in the wrong, this still downplays the fact that Slade originally raped Terra on multiple occasions and ultimately comes off as hollow lip service to Deathstroke's critics.
