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YMMV / Dark Avengers

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  • Crazy Is Cool: Ares has started narrating himself like The Tick. While shooting a small-car-sized minigun for training and chugging a beer.
  • Draco in Leather Pants: Dark Avengers will forever be remembered as the book that gave Bullseye, Gargan and Daken Fangirls! The Ho Yay probably had a lot to do with it.
  • Mind Game Ship: The big ships in the series are Daken/the whole world (but especially Lester), Karla/everyone, and Osborn/Sentry, which are all of this kind.
  • Moral Event Horizon: Norman Osborn was already enough of a monster considering some of his acts, prior to his rise in power, but ordering Lindy Reynold's death just to get The Void fully on his side was just evil. Even worse considering that he and Sentry looked like they might have actually been becoming friends.
  • Rescued from the Scrappy Heap: Ragnarok's characterization prior to Dark Avengers was "murderous kill-bot" and nothing more. Dark Avengers manages to give him a little depth (angst and uncertainty over being a clone-bot), before letting him get a moment of awesomeness.
  • The Scrappy: The Sentry wasn't terribly popular even before Dark Avengers, but this is where he started to enter overpowered territory (being killed and resurrected repeatedly), while serving as an attack dog for Norman, followed by the convoluted and ever-shifting retcons to just what he is (he's a super-soldier, he's Galactus, he's the Angel of Death!), which generally killed any interest in Sentry or the Void at all.
