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YMMV / Dæmorphing

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  • Tear Jerker: Chapter nine of Welcome Home. Jake feels like scum for ordering Tom to stay behind and put the Yeerk facility into lockdown, especially since it caused Merlyse to settle. When he reunites with Tom the next day, he's a Hork-Bajir nothlit, meaning that he can't even hug Jake and Delarayne will never be seen again. Then Ax does a mourning ritual for Tom's human self. And this is significantly BETTER than what happened to him in canon!
  • Unexpected Character: At first it seems like chapter 2 of The Herdmoot is being told from an omniscient third-person perspective, but after a few first-person pronouns, it becomes clear that the Ellimist is narrating. This came as a shock to readers because as in canon, the higher powers rarely interact with the main plot.
  • Woobie Family: Are you related to Elfangor and on Earth? Then your life will suck horribly.
