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YMMV / Complications

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  • Moral Event Horizon: Gretchen manages to cross it in the third episode when she nearly kills Seth and tries to prevent him from getting any care.
  • Romantic Plot Tumor: The audience reacted pretty poorly to the hints that Samantha might be carrying on an affair with a guy from her support group.
  • Too Bleak, Stopped Caring: It's a show about a doctor and nurse who commit multiple crimes and make life hell for everyone around them because of their refusal to stand up to a bunch of gangbangers. Consequently, it's one of the USA's lowest-rated shows in recent history.
  • Unintentionally Unsympathetic: After their daughter's death, John and Samantha hit a rough patch in their marriage. John dealt with his grief by throwing himself into his work, while Samantha dealt with it by having an affair with a man she met in a support group. During the course of the show, she repeatedly turns to this guy, who just happens to work for the District Attorney, for help with John's problems, then acts outraged when the guy thinks that she might still have feelings for her. The audience has shown very little sympathy for her plight.
