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YMMV / Collateral Damage

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  • Anti-Climax Boss: The final fight with Claudio and Selena, while still somewhat brutal, doesn't last long. It ends with Selena getting electrocuted and Claudio stabbed in the chest with an axe.
  • Retroactive Recognition: Jane Lynch as an FBI agent and Bill Hader as an helicopter pilot in a deleted scene. He worked as Schwarzenegger's production assistant for the movie.
  • So Okay, It's Average: It didn't do well with critics, audiences, and Arnold fans alike.
  • Unintentional Period Piece: The film's depiction of the Colombian guerrilla/terrorist group ALC (a Captain Ersatz of FARC) as a credible threat to the US dates it to the late 90s/early 2000s, when The War on Drugs was still a popular subject of action films. By the time the film was released in 2002, after a delay caused by the 9/11 attacks, The War on Terror was in full swing, and Latin American guerrillas/drug lords ceased to be credible villains on screen as they were replaced by Middle-Eastern terrorist groups.
