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YMMV / Cinderella Is Dead

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  • Anvilicious: The book takes a very strong stand against misogyny and violent, patriarchal regimes, but does so by unequivocally stating that All Men Are Perverts and All Abusers Are Male (except for gay men). When a male character dares to point out that not all men are like this, he is reprimanded for it. This comes across as more than a tad misandristic.
  • Narm: The first time Sophia delivers a "The Reason You Suck" Speech to King Manford, it's undeniably a Moment of Awesome. Then she does it again. And again. And again.
  • Squick: King Manford's obsession with and implied Villainous Crush on Sophia is pretty gross, seeing as he's over a hundred years old and she's a teenager. It doesn't help that the story has him force a kiss on her several times.
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Character: Luke could have been an interesting addition to the main cast, being almost in the same boat as Sophia as a gay man having to repress his sexuality under threat of incarceration or even death. His backstory of losing his boyfriend to Mersailles' oppressive system also would have given him a good motivation to join the resistance. Instead, he's dragged out of the plot after roughly three chapters and only appears again during the finale more to answer the question of Whatever Happened to the Mouse? than to really contribute anything.
