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YMMV / Christian Grey vs. Pepper Potts

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  • Ending Fatigue: Pepper Potts goes up against Christian Grey, awesome, right? He gets his ass kicked, bonus!
    • ...Then he decides to sue Clint and Natasha for their ass-kicking, and goes after Jennifer Walters in the process. Okay, cool! Reading about him get beat up by She-Hulk? Totally worth it.
    • Then he ends up Amora's champion, going after Jane.
    • And then he organizes a prison riot, and escapes, during which Rogue absorbs his personality and ends up gong after Clint. And that's not even the end of the fic yet, with it running at 68 chapters. Tell me, why haven't they killed him already, again?
    • Interestingly, the ending fatigue basically is the reason the fanfiction becomes a full-fledged story. While the subsequent sections drag out the initial point of the fanfiction, they're treated more like subsequent episodes.
  • Harsher in Hindsight: Widow's worries over her prior miscarriage, and worry over whether she should have Hawkeye's kid are this in light of Age of Ultron revealing that her Red Room training made it so she can never have children.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: Black Widow in this fanfic becomes pregnant with Hawkeye's child. Two years later as the cast prepped for filming Avengers: Age of Ultron, Scarlett Johansson became pregnant (from her fiance), causing some Hide Your Pregnancy snafus to be needed for the film.
    • The fic not only predicted the appearance of the Winter Soldier in the MCU, but gives him the name American Sniper.
    • In the fic, Hawkeye has such a low sperm count that he's thrilled to have been able to father even one child. In Age of Ultron, he has two children and his wife is pregnant with a third.
  • Moment of Awesome: How do you make Christian Grey the perfect Butt-Monkey? Have each women he stalks kick his ass each time.
    • Pepper Potts hold her own against him and practically has control of the situation by the time Hawkeye and Black Widow show up.
      • Earlier, she consistently refused his advances and proved that she didn't always need Tony to protect her. In the frequent emails that Christian keeps sending, Pepper snaps at him in a message and responds that he's not the center of the universe before calling him out on his idea of what women were supposed to be like.
      • Her fight with Christian itself is impressive. Pepper references to the lessons she learned from Happy regarding fighting and uses her surroundings (and heels) to her advantage. It really is awesome to see your typical Damsel in Distress become a Damsel out of Distress.
    • Jennifer Walters goes Hulk on him when he threatens her assistant just to have dinner with her.
    • Jane proves her intelligence in music, baffling Grey, who expected her not to know anything about classical music. She also refuses to let him grope her later, stabbing him with a fork.
    • Tony gets one too. How does he get Ana to shut up and stop Slut-Shaming Christian's victims? He threatens to take it out on Christian. She finally shuts up.
