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YMMV / Cheaters

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  • Funny Moments: In the "Leroy Cullen" case, both client and companion are both regulars at the gym. So what does the manager suggest to settle their differences? A weight-lifting competition, of course! While each do their set of 10, the manager berates them for fighting over a girl, stating that "She's not even that good looking."
  • Nightmare Fuel: In Season 1 episode 88, when a pregnant Renee Trudgett goes with host Joey Greco and the Cheaters crew to confront her fiancee Mitchell on his infidelity, the situation turns bad very quickly as Mitchell becomes violent, pulls out a knife, stabs the host and attempted to stab the pregnant mother of his child! Security was able to restrain Mitchell and take away his weapon but the host was bleeding profusely and had to be rushed to the hospital for his injuries.
  • Signature Scene: An arrested Joey Greco being placed in the backseat of a cop car while muttering "This is the price of Justice."
