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YMMV / CellSpex

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  • Alternative Joke Interpretation: On her list of things to watch instead of The Secret Life of Pets 2, she also lists the finale of Star vs. the Forces of Evil and the Guardians of the Galaxy (2015) cartoon. Both of which are very unpopular for a variety of reasons, so some interpret it as Cell saying that watching crap is a better way to spend your time, since it's at least entertaining unlike Pets, which is just boring.
  • Awesome Moments:
    • In her "Worst to Best of 2019" video, she immediately gets out her anger towards The Lion King (2019) out of the way while "Not One Of Us" plays, and makes it clear that she just needed to get her feelings out and isn't even going to give the film a spot on her actual list. That's right, she didn't even give the film the benefit of the doubt, since she detests what it stands for (a soulless, nearly shot-for-shot remake of a beloved preexisting property, only created in order for Disney to earn even more money).
    • When Mulan (2020) came out, CellSpex gave it a full review, most of which consisted of her calling out Disney for how soulless their remaking process is, and how Mulan (2020) in particular fundamentally misunderstood what made its source material so great.
  • Crossover Ship: In-Universe. In her review of Goodtimes' A Little Princess, she suggests that Scrooge really missed out on finding a soulmate in Miss Minchin, since both have a thing for money and live in the same time period.
  • Ensemble Dark Horse: Sock puppets. They got so popular that many hope Celly would use them again.
    • Her yearly "Worst to Best" lists are easily her most popular and requested videos.
  • Friendly Fandoms:
    • She shares some viewers with Musical Hell, due to both taking on Strange Magic at roughly the same time.
    • Fans of CellSpex tend to be fans of The Mysterious Mr. Enter as well, due to the similar reviewing styles. Later, Mr. Enter acknowledged CellSpex in his Norm of the North 2 review, and also mentioned Strange Magic, a movie that he hasn't talked about before, but it's her most viewed review, implying that he has seen it.
  • Heartwarming Moments: Top 11 GOOD Animated Dads was partly made by Cell in honor of her own father, who she viewed as an amazing father.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight:
    • In her "Reacting to 2019 Trailers" video, Celly remarks how odd it is that there hasn't been a trailer for Frozen II yet. Five days later, Disney released an official trailer.
    • Her saying that teachers don't care about a child's well-being in her "A Little Princess" review becomes much funnier when she reveals that she herself used to be a teacher.
  • I Knew It!: She accurately predicted that "You got a problem with cartoons?" would become a meme.
  • Shocking Moments: She reveals her face in her Wonder Park review. Other reviewers make a big deal out of revealing their face, but she just does it for a quick gag.
