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  • Nightmare Fuel: Rafi's description of just what Andres did during his tenure as head of the secret police is utterly terrifying. Mutilations, torture, and murder were just another day at the office for him.
    Nolen: Tell him what de Boya did to people?
    Rafi: Well, he like to sew the eyelids to the eyebrow and put them in a light. He like to beat them with Louisville sluggers. He like to put acid on them sometimes. He like to castrate people. He like to tale the nipples and pull them out and cut them off with scissors.
    Moran: Is that what happened to you?
    Rafi: No, no, he do that to girls. Cut the nipples off. Men he cut everything off with - how do you say it, these big tijeras?
    Nolan: Shears.
    Rafi: Yeah, chears. Cut off your business with them. I had an uncle that happen to. Then when General de Boya finish with them he have them killed and thrown off the cliff to be eaten by sharks, you want to find out what happened to someone, you ask, nobody knows. They say he's gone to Boca Chica to visit the tiburones, the sharks. Or sometime to Monto Cristi. That was twenty years ago - the sharks still come looking for General De Boya to feed them.
