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YMMV / Car Talk

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  • Harsher in Hindsight: Tom's jokes about his inability to remember the Puzzler are less funny after his death from Alzheimer's.
    • The Bill Cosby quote ("I love Car Talk") that appears on some album covers in light of the sexual assault allegations against him.
  • Heartwarming Moments: The episode with Leah, a disillusioned college student, where the guys give her good life advice despite it having nothing to do with cars (starts around 18:00 in the above clip and resumes around 42:30).
  • Unintentional Period Piece: Several of the Punny Names from the credits in reruns from The '90s are only funny with a passing knowledge of American politics of the era.
    • Congressional Lobbyists Orrin Hatchback, Paul Simonize, Newt Pingrich, Dan Rustencarski, Tom Parkin, and Alfonse Dimbulbo are spoofs on the names of Senator Orrin Hatch of Utah, Senator Paul Simon of Illinois, Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, Representative Dan Rostenkowski of Illinois, Senator Tom Harkin of Iowa, and Senator Alfonse D'Amato of New York, respectivelynote .
    • Director of Unsolicited Advice H. Ross Peugeot is a pun on Ross Perot and French car maker Peugeot.
    • International Lubrication Expert C.V. Boutros Boutros-Ghali comes from the name of the UN's then-Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali mashed up with C.V. boot, a car part.
      • His sometimes assistant Fidel Castrol is based on the then-ruler of Cuba and a brand of motor oil.
    • Attorney General Janet Torino is a pun on President Clinton's Attorney General Janet Reno and the Ford Torino
    • Chairman of the Joint Chiefs General John Shall-I-pop-a-wheelie is a pun on the real-life holder—at the time, anyway—of that position, General John Shalikashvili.
