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YMMV / Caging Skies

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  • Accidental Innuendo: This line makes Hitler sound like a pedo who likes little boys
    My father was wrong. That man did concern little boys like me. He, the Führer, Adolf Hitler, had a great mission to confide in us children.
  • Funny Moments:
    These were the languages of the victors and they knew it. There was a note of self-esteem in every word. The Americans were known for speaking loudly. Maybe their way of speaking was more perceptible from far away because it was so nasal. If some of our Germanic language came out of our throats, I'd say a good deal of theirs came out their noses. The other nationalities could be loud too, especially after a few drinks, and Americans, British and Russians were well known for those. A joke went around. How do you know if an American officer has been drinking? He can't walk straight. How do you know if a British officer has been drinking? He tries his best to walk straight. How do you know when a Russian officer has been drinking? It's the only time he can walk straight.

    They stuck out like sore thumbs — the British with their blushing schoolboy complexions, the French kissing every other French person they came across on both cheeks like windscreen wipers, the Russian men smacking each other on the old pucker. I knew I'd never get used to it.
  • Tearjerker:
    • When we find out that everyone Elsa loved and cared for has died.

    I knew no relief. I sat in front of yet another volunteer, trying to pluck up the courage to follow her finger's rapid descents. It came to a halt. Even on learning that this time it was Nathan, my long-despised rival, I knew a defiling pain, which I would never have expected of myself. The end result of it all:

    Mosel Kor, died after 16 January 1945 forced march from Auschwitz to Mauthausen.
    Nadja Golda Kor, née Hochglauber, Mauthausen, gassed October or November 1943.
    Nathan Chaim Kaplan, died 6 January 1942, Sachsenhausen, exhaustion
    • When Johannes' neighborhood is bombed, one of his neighbors who collects birds almost loses all of them and a white bird flies out with fire on the back of its feathers
