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YMMV / Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Boom! Studios)

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  • Big-Lipped Alligator Moment: Spike suddenly starts screaming his safeword ("Lemon!") at some attacking werewolves in an attempt to get them to back off. It Makes Just As Much Sense In Context.
  • Complete Monster: See here.
  • Magnificent Bastard:
    • Xander Harris, upon losing his soul, shows himself to be a devious mastermind with a surprising sense of morality. Utilizing his deep knowledge of the Scoobies in order to split them apart at the seams, Xander takes advantage of Buffy and Kendra's differing methods by sending a demon to attack them and while they argue, Rose is injured, destabilizing their friendship. Taunting Buffy by revealing his survival, he then kidnaps Jenny Calendar to force her to brew him a love potion, intending to make Willow stay by his side so as to repair his fractured being. When Willow meets him, he greets her as a friend, making it clear that he still cares about her despite his lack of a soul and releases Jenny when she asks, wanting to stay on good terms with her. When confronted with all three Slayers at once, he holds his own for a brief time, yet when it becomes clear that he is going to die, he takes the time to taunt Faith with the knowledge that once she’s no longer useful to them, they’ll cut her loose just like they did with him.
    • Willow: Aelara is a mysterious woman in charge of the town of Abhainn, a coven of witches intending to fight a war with humanity should the need arise. Bringing the witches in with promises to comfort and the ability to hone their craft, Aelara turns the witches into a makeshift family, all of whom are willing to lay down their lives for one another. Luring in Willow by giving her a place to process her grief, she very quickly comes to consider herself at home despite sensing at her core that something is wrong. Aelara eventually reveals that she does not intend to let any of the witches leave, even if they want to, believing that only she knows what's best for them and that humanity will attack what they don't understand. Quickly acknowledging that Willow no longer belongs in Abhainn, Aelara lets her leave willingly, with the two parting as friends with a promise to meet again.
    • Angel/Angel + Spike:
      • Lilith is the mother of demonkind who has grown disappointed with her creations. Introduced when she informs Angel that one of his friends is dying at that moment, Lilith reveals that a great evil intends to prevent his heroic mission before it begins, guiding him towards Fred in the process. Revealing that she has been coaching Fred for a large portion of her life to perfect her magic abilities, Lilith clears her insanity so that she can be a better aid for Angel, then gives her a hint that points them towards Charles Gunn. Taking control of the team while Angel is in Sunnydale, she forcefully recruits Spike, then brings LAPD detective Kate Lockley to Angel's side by reminding her of her childhood fear. Informing Angel that Kate is the reincarnation of Angelus' victim Mara, she then reminds Angel that he can only either redeem himself or her, not both, reminding him that her job is to give him the harsh truths he refuses to accept.
      • Lilah Morgan is a high ranking official at Wolfram & Hart and the right-hand woman of Baphomet. Desiring to let her master escape, Lilah kidnaps Fred from under Gunn and Lilith's notice, then persuades her by pointing out how people have told her who she should be and that it's time she make the choice herself. Locking her in a room to be possessed by Baphomet, she then lets Fred escape to continue the possession process. Swearing to Fred that she only tells the truth, she convinces Fred to let Baphomet take her in exchange for the power to defeat a demon, then forces her into the position of President at Wolfram & Hart. When Baphomet declares that Angel must kill her, she follows the order without question by deliberately enraging Angel with his true feelings for Spike, making sure to take a parting shot at everyone in the room and stare her killer down with no fear.
  • They Changed It, Now It Sucks!: Some of the characters having Adaptational Personality Change resulted in fans feeling like this, especially in regards to Willow, Cordelia, Drusilla, and Spike.
  • The Scrappy: Original character Rose, for some, who see her as "taking the spotlight" away from established characters like the Scooby Gang (and Cordelia). The writers appear to have noticed this, as her role has been slowly decreasing into the background as the series goes on.
  • The Woobie: Four issues in, you'd really want to give Xander a hug... right up until he goes full vamp.
