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YMMV / Breathedge

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  • Disappointing Last Level: In this case, a whole disappointing last third of the game. After Chapter 3 you shift to flying around in a space ship visiting different pieces of space stations. The survival-crafting gameplay from earlier is largely dropped. The resources you need are just lying around all over the interiors. The design of the interiors is also very lacking. They mainly consist of you having to head down a single long and winding path to pick up something you need to progress, and then head back the same way to your spaceship.
  • Scrappy Mechanic: Several aspects of the crafting system make the gameplay more frustrating than it needs to be, especially since resources aren't exactly plentiful and the only sources of renewable resources are basic stuff from the toilet and a random giant ball of tape near the start of Chapter 2 (which has no reason to renew the resources it provides, yet does so anyway; and whose importance, therefore, most players are likely to miss.) It stands out compared to Subnautica, which has a much larger but still finite pool of resources.
    • Containers are ridiculously expensive, seemingly to discourage hoarding. A basic suitcase costs four refined metal, or sixteen metal balls. A single metal chunk can be beaten into three balls at most, and metal is used for quite a lot of things. Closets in bases are even worse, requiring magnets to build. Magnets are incredibly rare, and scouring the entire map might produce a couple dozen at most.
    • Aluminum and alkali can only be found randomly scattered as deposits on asteroids, and are required to build most of the important things in the game. You'll be flying up and down every asteroid just hoping to find a deposit.
