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YMMV / Bravely

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  • Broken Base: The romance between Merida and Feradach and her desire to find love in general. Some fans don't mind the romance angle and enjoy the relationship between her and Feradach, while others hate it and argue that it flies in the face of Merida's Celibate Hero characterization from the film, which is a large part of what made her popular in the first place.
  • LGBT Fanbase: Non-binary fans quickly became fond of Feradach, due to his ability to shapeshift and change his gender at will.
  • Surprisingly Improved Sequel: Although Brave was a financial success and did well critically, many generally regard it to be one of Pixar's weakest films and So Okay, It's Average at best. Bravely on the other hand, despite being a novel written without Pixar's direct involvement, is regarded by fans to be a marked improvement over the film due to the novel having a less predictable plot, better pacing, and a more consistent tone compared to the film, while also giving the characters (especially Merida) more complexity and development. The greater world-building and usage of Celtic mythology (owing to Maggie having a major in history and an interest in Celtic mythology) has also been praised.
