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YMMV / Book Revue

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  • Hilarious in Hindsight: One of the magazines shown is Life magazine. A revived version of the magazine would later be co-owned by Warner Bros. following its 1989 merger with Time, Inc. to form Time Warner through to their 2013 spin-off of the magazine business.
  • Memetic Mutation: Daffy Duck's pose in this picture has spawned some JoJo's Bizarre Adventure jokes, which has spun off to include other similarly-dressed cartoon characters such as "Zoot Suit Tom" from Tom and Jerry. This was largely fueled by mockery of an older meme where people claimed that the picture was "literally me", as a way to mock people for claiming to be like fictional characters.
  • Parody Displacement: A parody of a number of other cartoons that featured the idea of "various characters in books come to life and meet each other." You've probably never heard of any of the other ones. A lot of the books involved have also mostly vanished from the public eye.
  • Special Effect Failure: At the very end of the short when everyone is dancing, you can see some characters dancing in the background. After a few moments, however, said characters suddenly disappear and the background moves down a little bit.
  • Spiritual Successor: The Animaniacs segment "Video Revue" is one to this cartoon.
