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YMMV / Blood Red Sky

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  • Complete Monster:
    • Berg is the leader of the hijackers, organizing the murders of the air marshals to take control. Executing one passenger to show how serious he is to native Arabic speaker Farid, Berg attempts to force Farid to read a statement declaring himself a terrorist hijacker so the plane will be shot down after Berg and his men flee, with everyone else onboard killed. Executing a hostage to force heroine Nadja to emerge from a cockpit, Berg then takes a little girl hostage with intent to murder her as well.
    • Eightball is a gleefully psychopathic and wantonly violent hijacker who kills several people, taunting and beating others while being gleeful about the impending deaths he assists with. Supplying Berg with a young girl as a hostage, Eightball is entranced by the power of Nadja as a vampire and injects himself with vampire blood. As a vampire, Eightball slaughters everyone in his path, killing or turning every passenger with intent to flee into civilization and drain all he finds when the plane lands.
  • The Woobie: Poor Nadja. All she wanted was a cure for her illness, and she ended up succumbing to it, becoming a feral shadow of herself, and dying in an explosion.
