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YMMV / Blood on the Clocktower

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  • Game-Breaker: Some specific role combinations can break the game by either making one of the roles too overpowered or directly conflicting with another role's ability. In these cases, there's usually an official "jinx" that either forbids these roles to be in the same game or puts a stipulation in place that enables these roles to work better together (ex: if the Spy and the Magician are in the same game, the Spy won't see the Magician and Demon's character tokens in the grimoire so that the Magician's ability will still affect their ability to figure out who the real Demon is).
    • There are also other, more niche cases of custom scripts creating unanticipated game-breaking scenarios, like this game where the Alchemist was given the Pit-Hag ability and, knowing that the only Demon on the script was the Vigormortis and that all Minions killed by the Vigormortis would retain their abilities even when dead, turned himself into the actual Pit-Hag — who counted as a Minion in spite of him still being good — and then got killed by the Vigormortis which enabled him to use his power with impunity every night with the evil team having no way at all to stop him from turning them into useless characters.
  • Popular Game Variant: There's a Fabled called Bootlegger that, when put in play, allows Storytellers to use their own custom roles or rules. Some of these custom rules that have gained some popularity include:
    • On the first night, the Snake Charmer makes their pick before the Demon and Minion are told who each other is. This eliminates the rare but still possible scenario of the Snake Charmer swapping roles with the Demon on their very first night by sheer luck/unluck and having to play the entire game without any information about who's on their team.
    • The Huntsman, instead of being able to choose a player at night only once in the entire game, can choose a player every night; however, if they pick a Minion, they are permanently drunk and their ability to turn the Damsel into a Townsfolk will no longer work for the rest of the game. This is done to buff the Huntsman, a role that many players consider to be one of the weakest Townsfolk roles due to it always adding the Damsel — an Outsider that can cause the good team to instantly lose if the evil team finds them — and it being difficult to find the Damsel with a one-time-only guess.
    • The Hatter, instead of only letting the Demon change to a different Demon and the Minions to different Minions, lets the Demon change themself into a Minion and vice versa. This is a semi-official variant suggested by the game wiki as an option for playgroups who don't mind extra chaos.
