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YMMV / Blood Father

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  • Complete Monster: Jonah Pincerna is Lydia Link's abusive boyfriend and a violent cartel member who oversees properties owned by his uncle. Making millions by robbing the homes for the money his uncle has hidden in them, Jonah then frames and murders the innocent tenants; roping Lydia into acting as a lookout while he and his men execute two. Trying to force Lydia into killing one with him, Jonah is injured when Lydia accidentally shoots him instead. Furiously pursuing Lydia and her father, John, Jonah forces John's friend, Kirby, to lure out Lydia by torturing him, capturing her and murdering Kirby while calling John to make him listen.
  • Like You Would Really Do It: Lydia is not actually guilty of murdering her boyfriend, because he survived, and she shot him when he wanted her to shoot an innocent elderly woman.
  • Spoiled by the Format: While it's possible you might think Jonah seemingly dying in the opening could be an instance of Dead Star Walking, you'll probably figure out that he's still alive before The Reveal simply from the amount of time the movie goes without introducing a new central villain and the copious exposition on Lydia's former relationship with him.
