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YMMV / Blonde on Blonde

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  • Can't Un-Hear It: The most commonly available cassette version dramatically re-sequenced the songs. If you first became familiar with the album via this version and listen to the actual sequence, it still sounds odd to hear "Visions of Johanna" as the third song instead of the beginning of the second half, or "4th Time Around" two songs before "Sad-Eyed Lady of the Lowlands", instead of at the end of the first half.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: "Rainy Day Women #12 & 35", a song with a heavy drug subtext and the Trope Namer for Everybody Must Get Stoned, has two numbers in its title which, when multiplied, produce 420... which, a few decades later, became heavily associated with marijuana.
  • Refrain from Assuming: "Rainy Day Women #12 & 35" isn't called "Everybody Must Get Stoned."
  • Signature Song: Either "I Want You", "Just Like a Woman" or "Rainy Day Women".
